
1. We are providing verified reviews from a usa real addresses you can safely send the product to a their addresses.
2. Orders - we are providing 1-100 daily for a faster ranking your product!
3. Blog posts, we are providing it as many as need for a ranking your product!
4. Forum posts, we will post on a forums your product link with a 100 words honest review for a increasing sessions.
5. yahoo answers - we will provide yahoo answers answer for your product with a 100 words honest description.
6. we will provide many more secret promotionals..
7. etc..

Friday, September 18, 2015

The TSA Blog: A Cornucopia of TSA Travel Tips

The TSA Blog: A Cornucopia of TSA Travel Tips - Hello everyone, i found this blog on a google, it's great and very usefully info on a website also so good commentators, i will sign in on the blog everyday, but i also look the website for a bakuriani travel and looks like on the website we also can find a great content.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Verified reviews

Package: Normal
Verified Reviews: 20
Maximum time for a completing: 5 days
Country: USA/UK/DE/JP
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: $160

Package: Good
Verified Reviews: 50
Maximum time for a completing: 10 days
Country: USA/UK
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: $400

Package: Great
Verified Reviews: 100
Maximum time for a completing: 20 days
Country: USA/UK
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: $800

We will provide quality work, it's will be all of them all real usa accounts.


Package: Normal
Orders everyday: 20
Min orders days: 10
full orders amount 200
Country: USA/UK
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: $500

Package: Good
Orders everyday: 50
Min orders days: 10
full orders amount 500
Country: USA/UK
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: $1250

Package: Great
Orders everyday: 100
Min orders days: 10
full orders amount 1000
Country: USA/UK
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: $2500

It's only orders from FBA/FBM, from these orders won't be posted reviews, it's necessarry for a product ranking to a best seller, as many orders you will got everyday as higher rank you will got.

Product Ranking:

Package: New product ranking
Min order: 3 months
Guaranteed best seller status: after 3 months
Country: USA/UK/DE/JP/CA
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: 2000$ per month.

Package: standart product rankng
Min order: 3 months
Guaranteed best seller status: after 3 months
Min reviews need to be on the product: 150
Country: USA/UK/DE/JP/CA
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: 1500$ per month.

Package: good product rankng
Min order: 3 months
Guaranteed best seller status: after 3 months
Min reviews need to be on the product: 300
Country: USA/UK/DE/JP/CA
Payment method: Skrill/Western union
Price: 850$ per month.

Payment terms:

  1. must be upfront on a paypal.
  2. after payment receiving we will get 24 hour payment mrs for a starting the job(if product approved)
  3. payment must be completed as personal.

Terms and conditions Product ranking:

1. we will cooperate min 3 months.

2. if you will report about my service on amazon or on a some website or you will told about our deal then i won't cooperate with you.
3.  you will follow my requirements it's a creating 5%-100% coupons, answering questions, changing price or etc, etc.. with a discussion of course you can reject it but without explaining we can't cooperate.
4. after 3 months if you won’t get best seller status then we can’t cooperate more and we will fully refund the last month payment.
5. You will need to be online everyday at least 30 min.
6. we will do orders only from a FBM first 2 months on a 3th month we will order from fba.
7. after 1 month product sales from 24 everyday by fba will be increased on a 50+ everyday by fba, if not then we will fully refund for the first month payment.
8. after 2nd month product sales from 50+ will be increased to 90+ if not then we will fully refund 2nd month payment.
9. after 3rd month product sales will be from 150 to 200 everyday by fba. if sales not will be 150+ per day then we will refund for a 3rd month.

LLS Amazin Services ORDER

Contact us: ,

Skype: nabada_vip